

Art and Law are still concerned with questions that establish human existence in its totality. Thus, where the law concerns the aspects of regulation, construction and consolidation of the principles necessary for the creation of social harmony between individuals, Art admirably performs the task of preserving, enhancing and educating the most important part of human beings, the imaginative and creative capacity, both in power and in action.

Artistic phenomenology and juridical phenomenology overlap, inevitably, since both involve both the individual and private sphere and the social and public bonds and, above all, preserve the humanistic privilege of containing in itself the double nature of theory and practice, inseparable, in the dual identity of speculation and application.

In this sense, the complex of works of art and writings define the literature we call Art History and Art Criticism, as well as the juridical corpus of the norms that regulate the life of a community refer to Law as a doctrine, constituting the heritage of the civil assembly of which we are a part. Art is the symbol of the genius of the individual, as well as of the cultural and social context, the right of the ability to adapt to the rules; in linguistics, then, Law is synonymous with the rule, Art of creative ability. Art and Law are in the background as the maximum parameters of evaluation of things and relationships, in their abstractness of noumeni that from the onset of humanity guide individuals and communities, even in the magnificent personifications of Justice and Beauty, Dike and Aphrodite, women proud and aware of their own vitality, capable of changing the course of events.

O. Anastasi, “Il Divorzio Collaborativo, l’Arte di separarsi con amore” 2014© All rights reserved

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