
I MET OLGA ANASTASI IN 2010, by Ronald D. Ousky

I met Olga Anastasi in 2010, when I was invited to come to Rome to assist in training Italian Attorneys and other professionals about Collaborative Divorce. I was eager to teach this method to them so that Italian people could achieve the great benefits that Collaborative Divorce had brought so many American families. To assist in the training, I provided all of the professionals with a copy of The Collaborative Way to Divorce, the Revolutionary Method That Results in Less Stress, Lower Costs and Happier Kids -Without Going to Court the book I wrote, along with Stu Webb, the founder of Collaborative Law, in 2005. The book has helped many Americans learn about the Collaborative Method and I had hoped it would help my Italian colleagues and their clients as well. Mrs. Anastasi was one of the participants in that first training and was eager to learn how to get Collaborative Divorce started in Italy.

After the training, Mrs. Anastasi agreed to translate our book into Italian so that the book could be published in Italy and make more accessible to Italians wanting to learn about the Collaborative Method. After the translation of our book was completed, it became clear that a translation of our book, while helpful may not be enough to bring Collaborative Divorce to Italy. Italians did not need a translation of an American book; they needed an Italian book on Collaborative Divorce, written by an Italian attorney and author who understood the benefits of this method and who could properly explain it to the Italian people. It was clear from my meetings with Mrs. Anastasi that she had both the enthusiasm and capacity to write such a book, based upon what she had learned from our book and the trainings, as well as her extensive experience as an Italian divorce lawyer.[…] Mrs. Anastasi has captured the universal spirit that is universal to all nations while explaining the specific laws and procedures that apply specifically to the people of Italy. In my communications about Collaborative Divorce with people from all over the world, I have observed how each country and culture brings their own flavour and challenges to divorce law in general, and to Collaborative Divorce in particular. At the same time, I am struck by the many similarities in the way that divorce impacts families all over the world and by the universal human principles that make the Collaborative way to Divorce valuable in a wide range of countries. Millions of people all over the world experience divorce and separation. In all cultures and nations, divorce often brings great pain and a flooding of emotions that make resolution of conflict difficult. In all countries, children are the primary victims of the conflict from divorce. In all countries, the legal system is ill equipped to adequately address the sensitive parenting, communication and economic issues presented by divorce. Therefore, they need for an alternative; a Collaborative alternative is as vital in Italy as anywhere else in the world. I am grateful that Mrs. Anastasi has created a book that will help Collaborative Divorce become available throughout Italy. While there are many outstanding Italian professionals who have been trained in the Collaborative method, the Italian public remains largely unaware of this important alternative. This book will be a major step in raising awareness throughout Italy and in helping Italians understand that there is another way to resolve divorce issues. The people of Italy, like people all over the world, want to find a better way to resolve difficult divorce issues. The time has arrived for Italians to reap the many benefits of Collaborative Divorce. This book can be a crucial tool in helping Italian families find a better way.

Ronald D. Ousky  http://www.ousky.com

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